Monday, October 10, 2011

The Adventure Begins

With the creation of the new portal to a strange new land (1.8) the heroes headed out on a new adventure.

On the other side of the portal they found a chest each with some equipment to help them get started.

There was also a Challenge. Could they find a pumpkin and 2 snow blocks?

They discovered they were not alone in this strange new land. Someone had been here before and established a settlement. The houses appeared to be empty and so the group setup home in the village.

The village provided shelter, food and a place to sleep. After some initial exploring around the village. Taela setup mountain side retreat with spectacular views.

 Chloe setup a mushroom base.

How will they adventurers get on in this new world. Will they find the pumpkins and snow?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Wizardly Adventure

Today was our first group adventure to explore the world. After meeting up and sorting out our adventure equipment we set off to the right following the waters edge. Chloe took her 3 dogs with us. We didn't get far before might fell. So we put together a quick shelter and slept the first night in relative comfort.

Goodnight Johnboy!

Before long we reached a strange sheer drop in the landscape. On the other side we found a small pool surrounded by glowstone. The pool had as strange magical glow. So naturally we filled our pockets with as much glowstone we could gather :)

We collected all we could carry
The second night fell as we gathered the glowstone. Near the edge of the magical pool we had travelled through a natural hollow in the hillside. We set up camp in the hollow and set out across the flat landscape in the morning. It wasn't long before we encountered a huge lake. At the far side there was a strange building.

Strange Building in the distance
As we headed towards the building on the lake side we encountered something much bigger on the hill side.

A huge castle on the hillside
No one knew what it was or why it was here. We continued on determined to find out what this strange building was. The building on the lakeside looked like an abandoned boat house. Around the side of the building a staircase lead up to the castle.

At  the top of the stairs it all became clear. We had found Hogwarts!

Someone had hidden 100 diamonds around Hogwarts. The challenge was on to try and find as many as we could. 

By the end of the adventure we had collected 74 of the 100 hidden diamonds.

When we collect enough obsidian we will place a portal to make it easy to visit.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mining Guide

Ever wondered how deep to dig when you are looking for a specific material. Use this chart from the minecraft wiki to help. Layer 0 is the very bottom of the bedrock.
Complete range[1]Commonly found betweenIdeal layer[2]Implement needed to obtain
Coal oreLayers 1-115Layers 5-52Layer 49Wood or better pickaxe
GravelLayers 1-114Layers 5-62Layer 49None
Dirt (including Grass)Layers 0-119Layers 5-71Layer 68None
SandLayers 46-111Layers 59-63Layer 61None
WaterLayers 1-106Layers 61-63Layer 63Bucket
Iron oreLayers 1-67Layers 5-52Layer 50Stone or better pickaxe
Gold oreLayers 1-35Layers 5-32Layer 33Iron or better pickaxe
Lapis Lazuli oreLayers 1-34Layers 14-22Layer 18Stone or better pickaxe
LavaLayers 1-91Layers 5-10Layer 9Bucket
ObsidianLayers 2-61Layer 10Layer 10Diamond pickaxe
Diamond oreLayers 1-19Layers 5-17Layer 16Iron or better pickaxe
Redstone ore[3]Layers 1-19Layers 5-17Layer 16Iron or better pickaxe
BedrockLayers 0-4Layers 0-2Layer 0n/a

Monday, September 5, 2011

Private Chests and Doors

To use, simply place a signpost on the floor directly beside a chest or other container to be locked. Enter [Private] as the first line. Your own name will automatically be entered on line 2 as the chest owner. Optionally type in the full names of two other users allowed to access the chest's inventory on lines 3 and 4.

When done correctly, the sign will automatically fix itself to the side the target chest, protecting it from unauthorized access! Only the chest's owner can then break the sign or chest.

New Creative World

There is a new creative world on the server. You can enter the world by using the portal within the main base.

Within this world there are no Monsters, Creatures or Damage and It's always day time.  The main purpose of the world is to allow you to build with unlimited items.

Near the portal there is a hut with items inside. You only need 1 each of these as items never run out in the creative world. 
If you have the minecraft addon 'Spout' then when you visit your inventory you will get a paged list of items you can use. The number keys will swap pages of the item.

You can give yourself and items within the game by using the chat command /i <item> <qty>. You can use either item descriptions or item numbers.

/i dirt 64
/i woodpickaxe 1
/i cobble 64
/i compass 1
/i 20 64

Here is a link to all the item value for minecraft Link

If you have a pickaxe in your inventory you can enable instamine by typing // into chat. This will allow a block to  be removed with one click with the pickaxe. // will switch it back off.

If you have a compass in your hand you can click to be teleported to the location your are  pointing at. Right click will teleport you through objects to the inside.